QUEST Leibniz Research School The Research School News
Ultracold atom interferometry in space

Ultracold atom interferometry in space

© Lachmann/IQO
Absorption image of the atom cloud at an exit port of the interferometer. Two stripe-shaped modulations are visible, which leads to a checked pattern in the density distribution. The former structure is the result of inferences of the partial waves while the latter is achieved through phase imprinting.

Research team publishes additional findings of the MAIUS-1 rocket mission to be used in fundamental physics, navigation and Earth observation.

In 2017, a team of researchers succeeded in generating Bose-Einstein condensates in space within the scope of the MAIUS-1 rocket mission. Bose-Einstein condensates describe a highly unusual state of matter close to absolute zero and can be illustrated with a single wave function. Through time-consuming analyses, the researchers studied different components of the condensate. Their findings have now been published in the scientific journal Nature Communications. This marks the beginning of extremely accurate measurements via atom interferometry in space.

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